Jan Frommeyer
Director Market Analysis
Jan Frommeyer is Director Market Analysis at ICIS, a global price, news and analytics provider in the ReedElsevier Group. He is managing data, analytics and modelling of emissions trading markets with a focus on Europe, Australia and California. He joined ICIS during the acquisition of Tschach Solutions in June 2013.
Jan Frommeyer co-founded and managed Tschach Solutions together with Ingo Tschach since its inception in May 2010. He was responsible for political analysis and price modelling based on a behaviour-driven market model approach. Tschach Solutions provides carbon market data, forecasts and analysis for trade-active carbon market professionals in global offset markets and the EU ETS like major utilities, banks, industrials and also regulators.
Before starting Tschach Solutions, Jan worked for two years at Noble Group, where he was responsible for forecasting offset supply, short term price developments and carbon trading strategies in the options market.
Prior to his engagement at Noble, he was researching crude oil and coal markets at Germany’s third largest power supplier, EnBW.
He holds a Diploma in Economics from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany.